Rules of the Japan Association on the Environmental Studies (revised on June 18, 2016)

Rules of the Japan Association on the Environmental Studies

[Chapter 1: General Rules]
Article 1: The Society is called the Japan Association on the Environmental Studies (JAES).

Article 2: The purpose of this association is to promote research in the environmental sciences and environmental education (environmental learning) and to contribute to the solutions for environmental problems and the construction of a sustainable and fair society. The JAES focuses on the following points in our activities.
(1) Providing a wide range of interdisciplinary and comprehensive discussions.
(2) Respecting the presentation of surveys and research by citizens, residents and students.
(3) Encouraging surveys and research executed in cooperation with researchers and residents.

Article 3: The Society will perform the following work in order to achieve the purpose of the preceding article.
(1) Hold an annual convention.
(2) Publish the journal People and Environment.
(3) Issue the JAES newsletter.
(4) Hold workshops, field survey tours, etc.
(5) Promote joint research.
(6) Promote international collaboration with researchers.
(7) Provide other necessary work.
Article 4: The business year of the JAES starts from the day of the ordinary general meeting and ends the day before the ordinary general meeting of the following year.

[Chapter 2: Matters Concerning Members]

Article 5: The members of the JAES are as follows.
(1) Individual members: Individuals who agree with the purpose of the JAES and have joined through the prescribed procedures.
(2) Subscription members: Organizations/Institutions that subscribe to our journal, such as libraries.
(3) Supporting members: Individuals and groups who have joined to support the activities of the JAES, following deliberation by the standing secretariat.
Article 6
(1) A person who intends to become a member must fill out the prescribed membership application form, apply to the JAES and obtain approval from the standing secretariat.
(2) The standing secretariat manages the personal information of members appropriately in the performance of their work.
Article 7: Members can withdraw from the JAES by applying to the standing secretariat. However, the paid membership fee will not be refunded. If there is an unpaid membership fee, it must be paid in full before withdrawal.
Article 8: The standing secretariat can remove members who cannot be contacted for a long period of time.

(Members’ Rights and Obligations)
Article 9: All members can receive the journal Human and Environment.
Article 10: All members except subscription members can receive the newsletter and participate in events conducted by the JAES.
Article 11: All members except subscription members can state their opinions to the standing secretariat.
Article 12: Individual members have the right to the following.
(1) Submit to the journal and present research at the annual conference.
(2) Attend the general meeting and participate in the deliberations on decisions.
(3) Become an officer in accordance with the rules for the election of officers.
(4) Vote in the election of officers.
Article 13: Members must pay the prescribed membership fee in advance. The amount of the membership fee will be determined at the general meeting.
Article 14: The standing secretariat can suspend some or all of the rights of members who fail to pay their membership fees.

[Chapter 3: Matters Concerning the Organization]

Article 15: The following officers are assigned to the JAES.
(1) President: One person.
(2) Vice president: A number of persons as required.
(3) Secretary: 30 persons.
(4) Accounting Audit Committee members: Two persons.
(5) Election Administration Committee members: A number of persons as required.
Article 16: The president and secretaries shall be determined by a direct and anonymous vote among all individual members. Other specific matters related to the election are stipulated separately in the election rules for officers of the JAES.
Article 17: Officers of the JAES cannot serve in positions concurrently.
Article 18: The term for officers other than secretaries is two years, and they cannot be reappointed twice in a row. The term of office for a secretary is four years, and in principle, a secretary cannot be reappointed consecutively.
Article 19: Regarding the election of secretaries, half of them are elected every two years.
Article 20: An advisor may be appointed to the JAES after a decision at the general meeting.

Article 21: The president performs the following duties.
(1) Integrates and represents the JAES.
(2) Convenes the general meeting.
(3) Convenes the secretariat.
(4) Convenes the standing secretariat.
(5) Performs other operations as stipulated by these rules.

(Vice President)
Article 22: If there are any problems with the president, a vice president will act as president. Vice presidents are elected by the secretaries.

Article 23: The secretariat is composed of the president and secretaries.
Article 24: The secretariat performs the following operations.
(1) Conducts the mutual election of the heads of each department by secretary.
(2) Deliberates on and determines the basic matters for committee affairs based on the policies decided upon at the general meeting.
Article 25: The secretariat is established with a majority in attendance and approved by a majority of the attendees. However, a power of attorney as attendance can be accepted.
Article 26: The secretariat shall determine if the operations of the secretariat are not as stipulated in the JAES regulations.

(Standing Secretariat)
Article 27: The standing secretariat is composed of the president, vice presidents, general managers of each department and deputy general manager of the General Affairs Department. The standing secretariat executes its operations based on the decisions of the secretariat.
Article 28: If a general manager has not been elected for each department, the president may appoint standing secretaries from among the members of the JAES. However, the added general manager cannot be a member of the secretariat.

(Departments, Etc.)
Article 29: The General Affairs Department, Administrative Department, Editorial Department, Workshop Department, Planning and Promotion Department, Public Relations Department and International Affairs Department are established in the JAES. The members of each department are composed of members selected by the general managers and approved by the standing secretariat. The work of each department is determined separately. In addition, specialized committees can be established as needed.
Article 30: Matters not stipulated in the regulations of the JAES regarding the operations of each department can be stipulated by each department with the approval of the standing secretariat.

(Election/Replenishment of Executive Organs)
Article 31: When the secretaries are elected, the president must promptly convene the secretariat and elect a general manager for each department.
Article 32: A general manager of a department cannot serve in more than one position concurrently.
Article 33: If a vice president or general manager of a department is absent during a term of office, the president determines a replacement from among the secretaries and obtains the approval of the next secretariat.

(Accounting Audit Committee)
Article 34: The Accounting Audit Committee performs the following operations.
(1) Audits the draft financial report as drafted by the standing secretariat.
(2) Creates an accounting audit report.
(3) Others: Audits and develops recommendations on the overall accounting of the JAES.
Article 35: If members of the Accounting Audit Committee are missing during a term of office, the president will determine replacements from among the members of the JAES. In this case, approval must be obtained at the next general meeting. The term of office of the replenisher shall be the remaining term of the predecessor.

(Election Administration Committee)
Article 36: The Election Administration Committee executes officer elections.
Article 37: The members of the Election Administration Committee elect their chief from among themselves.
Article 38: If members of the Election Administration Committee are missing during a term of office, the president will determine replacements from among the members of the JAES. In this case, approval must be obtained at the next general meeting. The term of office of the replenisher shall be the remaining term of the predecessor.

(General Meeting)
Article 39: The general meeting has been established as the highest decision-making organization of the JAES.
Article 40: The ordinary general meeting is held once a year and is convened by the president. However, when the president or the standing secretariat deems it necessary or when requested by the joint name of one-third or more of the individual members, the president shall hold an extraordinary general meeting.
Article 41: The general meeting performs the following operations.
(1) Deliberates on and determines the revision of these rules.
(2) Approves the activity report and financial report of the previous year.
(3) Receives an accounting audit report from the Accounting Audit Committee.
(4) Deliberates on and determines an activity plan and budget.
(5) Approves the election results for the president and secretaries.
(6) Holds an election for the members of the Election Management Committee and Accounting Audit Committee.
(7) Dismisses officers.
(8) Confirms the supplementary committee members when there are vacancies among the secretaries and Election Committee Members and replenishes the supplementary committee members.
(9) Approves the organization of the branches of the JAES.
(10) Considers other matters as deemed necessary by the general meeting.
Article 42: The general meeting shall be established with the attendance of one-tenth or more of the members who have the right to attend the general meeting. However, power of attorney can be accepted only for the establishment of the general meeting. The form of the power of attorney will be determined separately.
Article 43: A resolution of the general meeting is passed by the approval of a majority of the attendees. However, more than two-thirds approval is required for the dismissal of officers and the revision of the rules of the JAES.

[Chapter 4: Accounting Matters]

Article 44: The expenses of the JAES shall be covered by membership fees, donations and other income.
Article 45: The fiscal year of the JAES shall start on April 1st and end on March 31st of the following year.

[Chapter 5: Matters Concerning Branches]

Article 46: Members can form a branch with approval of the general meeting after a discussion by the standing secretariat. At that time, approval of the branch rules is required. The same procedure shall be required when the branch rules are revised.
Article 47: The operation of each branch is determined by the branch.
Article 48: As a general rule, expenses related to the operation of a branch will be allocated by the income of the same branch.
Article 49: The branch reports its activities to the general meeting and standing secretariat.

[Supplementary Provisions]
1. The main address of the JAES will be the location of the General Affairs Department for the time being.
2. Only the lower-ranked winners among the secretaries who were elected in the first officer election conducted under these rules will have a term of two years, which is half of them.
3. These rules came into effect at the end of May 1978.
4. When changing the name of the Environmental Science Research Group to the JAES, these rules were partially changed on June 10, 1983, and they came into effect on the same day.
5. These rules were partially revised on June 25, 1993.
6. These rules were revised on July 16, 2000. The changed rules came into effect from the general meeting of 2001. However, matters related to the elections came into effect on July 17, 2000.
7. These rules were partially revised on June 30, 2002.
8. These rules were partially revised on June 18, 2016.