
People and Environment Vol.50, No.2(2024/6/10)Index

2024, VOL.50, NO.2


Data Science Education and Citizen Science… Ryoei ITO … 1


In Memory of Dr. Sakamaki… Katsuharu SATO … 3

Original Paper

Constructing a Learning Program through an Aquatic Organism Capture Survey Using Traps

… Asami OGURA, Fuko FUJITA and Takayuki NAKATSUBO … 5

Case Studies on Environmental Issues Inside and Outside Japan

 Special Issue: Survey Reports on Energy and Sustainable Community Building in Germany

Challenges in Achieving Climate Neutrality in Waiblingen, Germany … Nobutaka MATOBA … 20

Establishment of a Multilayered Intermediary Support System in the Field of Climate and Energy Policy: A Case Study in Baden-Württemberg, Germany … Shun-ichi HIRAOKA … 24

Mechanisms for Citizen Participation and Social Experiments to Promote the Transition to a Sustainable Society: The Local Agenda 21 and Future District: Real-World Laboratory in Karlsruhe, Germany… Manabu KUBOTA … 28

The Role of the Youth Parliament in Sustainable Community Development: A Case Study of the City of Gerlingen, Germany … Ken ISHIKURA … 34

Book Review … 39

News … 41